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St John's Sunday School

We are looking forward to instituting our new St John's Sunday School after the disruption of the pandemic. We hope to have everything finalised soon. The Sunday School will meet on a Sunday morning during the 11am Sung Mass. The children will likely leave after the prayer of the Collect and meet in the corridor at the West end of the church. If you are joining us for the first time, look out for a group of children disappearing through a door on the right at the back of the church! We assemble here for a short prayer, before going on to the Sunday School room.


At the start of the session we usually listen to some Taize chant for a few minutes so that we can all get ready to listen to God. We then listen to a story taken from the Bible, the same story which is being read in church.   


There are then a choice of activities, crafts and colouring (or more challenging) worksheets for the children to complete, linked to the teaching of the session. 


We are summoned back into church at the moment of the Peace, so that we can all be together as a congregation for the Eucharistic (giving thanks) part of the service.


We look forward to welcoming new children to our Sunday School.


During the Lockdown a few of us continued to meet via Zoom on a Sunday morning. Here are some examples of some of the children's crafts:

Making fronds for Palm Sunday

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Hot Cross Buns for Good Friday


A Holy Week Scavenger Hunt


Alleluia Banners


Jesus on the Cross


Prayer Keys


Stained glass windows for Trinity Sunday


St John the Baptist's Sandal


When we commemorate the beheading of St John, we make the these heads out of sweets

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